Workplace Campaigns

Every year, local employees get involved in workplace giving campaigns to support Jackson County United Way's fight to improve the health, education, and financial stability for every county resident. 


Jackson County workplace campaign unites employees in all offices or branches of a company, and gives them an opportunity to donate, volunteer and speak out for causes that matter to them. You can see the results in your own backyard, even as you're part of a larger mission to affect change worldwide. 


We Make It Easy

There are many advantages to running a Jackson County United Way workplace campaign: 
  • We offer a simple, convenient, and efficient way for your employees to support the community and causes they believe in.

  • Your employees may give in regular increments, via payroll deduction through an easy to use system or through paper pledging.

  • A workplace campaign will help your company to achieve its corporate giving goals.

  • Your employees will be able to tap into a wealth of volunteer opportunities.

  • Jackson County United Way will provide you with all the tools and support you need.


Through a workplace campaign your employees will experience the satisfaction of seeing their donations turn into programs and services that create impact on people's lives in Jackson County. When they see the needle moving on important social issues in our community, they will know your company or organization helped to make a difference and they will feel proud of their collective accomplishments. 

Jackson County United Way will partner with you to develop a customized fundraising campaign that aligns with your corporate values, as well as the particular interests of your employees. We will provide training and support to assist you in building your fundraising team and running an effective campaign. We will provide you with tools and resources needed to be successful. 

If you would like to learn mo5re about starting a workplace campaign in your company or organization, or need assistance running your campaign, please contact Michelle Kleber at 812-522-5450 ext. 5 or email